Distance: 7,391 kilometers = 4,592 miles
Travel period: 18.06.2012 - 31.07.2012 = 44 days
Difference in temperature: 10°C = 50°F (Cacica) / 41°C = 105.80°F (Bucharest)
Photos and videos: more than 2,500
Traffic tickets: none
Bakshish: affordable
Travel expenses: Don't ask!
Personal meetings: innumerable
Experiences: priceless
Fun factor and risk of repetition: extremely high
Stages (21 = 7,391 km = 44 days)
Praise the City Administration of... (Vienna - 1002 km)
Cartaker or Caretaker in... (Eger - 1378 km)
www.mmhtn.org/ and http://jahf.org/ enroute to... (Cluj-Napoca - 1748 km)
The Two Sides of the Gold Coin in... (Rosia Montana - 1913 km)
A Czernowitzer Nobleman in... (Sibiu - 2196 km)
End of the Route Diversion in... (Vatra Dornei - 2491 km)
The Foundation Walls of the Synagogue in... (Vama - 2761 km)
One Street and Thirty-Two Backyards in... (Czernowitz - 2939 km)
Still Lifes at the Synagogue of... (Siret - 3357 km)
Where on Earth is... (Horodnic de Sus - 3534 km)
Farewell Tango on Herrengasse in... (Czernowitz - 3681 km)
Heat Record and Code Orange in... (Iasi - 4026 km)
The Leprosarium of Tichilesti and Bygone Days in... (Braila - 4430 km)
Bibliophily and Oases of Calm in... (Bucharest - 4754 km)
Intermezzo in... (Bacau - 5055 km)
Jewish Culture Highlights in... (Radauti - 5346 km)
Bukovina Underground and Maramures Underworld in... (Baia Mare - 5681 km)
Omnibusz Hotel, a Scary Hotel Experience in... (Budapest - 6127 km)
Thunderclouds over... (Vienna - 6397 km)
Closed Mondays in (Neumarkt i.d.OPf. - 6873 km)
Travel souvenirs (21 = 9,871 pages = 15.60 kg)

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