12 March 2017

Round Trip from Pomerania in Prussia to Bukovina in Austria-Hungary

These are prints from photographic plates, which are for sure more than one hundred years old. They show the family of Georg Heinrich Traugott Kirsten, Protestants who lived between 1884 - 1888 in Stralsund in Pomerania on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea. In the year 1888 they moved to Stargard, where Georg became Royal Prussian Railways Director, subsequently Privy Council. He headed the Stargard Railways Repair Workshop, one of the dominant empolyers in Pomerania.

I recovered these photographic plates (and other 100+) on the occasion of my "2016 Motorcycle Ride to Bukovina" from "Adrian's Magnificent Chaos En Route to Suceava". In January I published under the headline "Bukovina or not Bukovina? • That is the Question!" a first photo series, which became increasingly popular. Apart from these eight photos, which were almost sure from Bukovina, all others were from Pomerania in Prussia. Enthusiastic about this find, the Stargard Museum of Archeology and History acquired all Stargard related photographic plates and will place them on display soon. The round trip from Pomerania in Prussia to Bukovina in Austria-Hungary came to an end. Exciting!

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