18 May 2024

Replay in Montpellier (2,132 km)

(2024-05-16/18) Replay is an Italian fashion brand, the title of a fantasy novel and several songs, but it is also the name of the award-winning graphic novel by Jordan Mechner, the creator of Prince of Persia. The book is subtitled "Memoirs of an uprooted family", but as a matter of fact Jordan's roots are in Czernowitz. We have that in common and I had the privilege to assist Jordan a little bit with his research. Reason enough to say "Hello" to Jordan in Montpellier and, what a great coincidence, I bumped into him at the book signing at the "La Comédie du Livre" book fair in the heart of the city.

After this cultural advertising block, we head from the highest point in the city center, through the obligatory triumphal arch, down to the old town, which is extremely lively and charming in the bright sunshine. Nobody knows why Montpellier lost out to Bourges as European Capital of Culture for 2028 - and neither do I. Maybe it's because North Africans and ethnic Sinti and Roma have been fighting gang wars in the recent past, resulting in deaths and injuries...? Not even the colorful streetcars for image cultivation help, which are not only very beautiful, but above all are available FREE OF CHARGE to the inhabitants of Montpellier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Edgar!
Replay m'a bouleversée, c'est un magnifique récit, la connexion entre les 4 générations le rend tellement vivant et fort ! Merci de nous l'avoir fait connaître et bravo à Jordan Mechner !