07 May 2024

Xi Jinping and Edgar Hauster in Paris (630 km)

(2024-05-02/06) Xi Jinping comes, Edgar Hauster goes. Nobody really notices, Paris is too busy with itself as a megacity; but so am I. It was an exciting four days in Paris:

@ FAMILY & FRIENDS: It was just great to be able to meet my French relatives, nine descendants of Abraham Fleischer (* 1800 in Tarnobrzeg, Poland).

Florence, Laurent, Lucile, Antoine, Nicole, Edgar, Fabian, Olivier, Véronique
Samuel, Eric, Isaac, Cécile, Edgar

 @ OLYMPICS: The Hôtel de Ville and the Assemblée Nationale were decorated.

@ PAUL CELAN: He spent the last months of his life in his apartment at no. 6 Avenue Émile Zola. The apartment is on the third floor, on the left, of the bourgeois brick building from the interwar period and at that time you still had a clear view of the Seine quays. Today, modern skyscrapers block the view of the Eiffel Tower and the miniature version of the Statue of Liberty. Paul Celan's body was recovered from the Seine on May 01, 1970. He is buried in a simple grave in the provincial cemetery of Thiais.

@ TIME OUT: Climb the 63-meter-high Butte aux Cailles, one of the seven hills of Paris! Small, cobbled alleyways, houses decorated with flowers and lots of street art make up the village atmosphere. No wonder my cousin Nicole, the great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Fleischer, feels so at home here. So now the circle is complete and so is this report.


Karin Perrin said...

Hi Edgar
thank you for your blog - always interesting.
Who is Francois (name on the grave)

Bon voyage
Karin Perrin
(in the Czernowitz group)

Anny Chemla said...

I regret we didn't get to meet maybe next time bon voyage

Edgar Hauster said...

@ Karin: François Antschel-Celan was the child of Paul and Gisèle de l'Estrange, who died in 1953 immediately after his birth.

@ Anny: Sorry, dear Anny, but motorcyclists are always in a hurry; you know that from Paris. Next time I'm there by car, I'll let you know in good time, I promise!

Anonymous said...

Liebe Edgar,
Dein blog ist wunderbar!! Wir werden reisen mit dir! Wir waren sehr froh dich zu sehen, grosses bises à toi, très bon voyage und entschuldigung für die letzte Deutsche worte ich kann noch sagen!

Cécile Ulmann said...

(Éric, Samuel, Isaac et Cécile)

Edgar Hauster said...

Love and hugs to you all. Traveling is twice as much fun because I know you are virtually by my side.
Je vous embrasse tous. Les voyages sont deux fois plus agréables car je vous sais virtuellement à mes côtés.