15 June 2024

Multicolored Alternative Leipzig (6,276 km)

(2024-06-13/15) Always these decisions I have to make, Katowice or Krakow, Leipzig or Dresden, Plagwitz or Connewitz! Leipzig and Dresden are the same as Katowice and Krakow. While most tourists probably opt for Dresden, I prefer the livelier to the supposedly more beautiful city and go to Leipzig. With Connewitz and Plagwitz, Leipzig has two alternative and colorful districts with a distinctive art and cultural scene. Plagwitz is a former industrial area that is not immune to gentrification; it reminds us of Bordeaux. Street art is everywhere and even the ATMs here are colorful and alternative.

Nine of the ten photos are from Plagwitz, but one is not. The tenth shows a mural with people demonstrating for peace, democracy and integration. It wasn't created citizien-oriented, but temporarily camouflages the major inner-city construction site of a large German construction company; actually a socio-cultural appropriation, in my opinion. In the evening, we head to Saxony's biggest European Championship fan mile, not so much to watch the opening soccer game of the European Championship between Germany and Scotland [5:1], but rather to attend the concert by the "Meute" [Pack]. Great!

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