17 June 2017

The Fair of Scythes en Route to Budapest (3,688 km)

(Budapest, 12.06.2017 - 13.06.2017) Twice a year, in June and in October, on the banks of the Crișul Repede, the Negreni Market Fair opens its gates to visitors from all over the world. Along with the autumn "Fechetău Market Fair",  the "Fair of the Scythes" in June is famous since the Middle Ages. In 2015 there were commemorated 200 years since it was passed for the first time in the "Calendar of the Fairs".


From Hitler's bust stored in the same box with a Jewish calendar, through the Bucharest Athénée Palace in miniature, my-very-first-bike, the collected works of Ceaușescu, a steamer trunk to Cleveland, Ohio, and the legendary Monarch slot machine to the Rubensesque women, nothing is impossible! Next autumn to the Fechetău Market Fair from Negreni?

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