24 August 2018

The Invisible Border Between Trabzon and Samsun (Samsun, 4764 km)

(Samsun, 22.08.2018 - 24.08.2018) There must be an invisible east-west border between Trabzon and Samsun. Except the steady hospitality of the people, almost everthing else changed. Other than Trabzon, Samsun is a modern, vibrant, young city, apparently bound first of all by secularism and vitality.

This is perhaps down to the fact, that the Turkish War of Independence began when General Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the Inspector of the Ottoman 9th Army and later known as Atatürk, arrived at the town of Samsun on 19th May 1919.

The Independance Road above leads to the historically re-staged monument, which is a main attraction. Either you come by foot, by express train, by bike or you even prefer a coach ride, you'll enjoy this relaxing place on the Black Sea.

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