13 June 2015

Meeting Friends in... (Warsaw - 1390 km)

(Warsaw, 11.06.2015 - 13.06.2015) Meeting (1) the photographer and book author Andrzej Polec in a familiar atmosphere at his home in Warsaw, being hosted like a good old friend. Andrzej provided valuable hints for my ongoing tour.

Meeting (2) Marla Raucher Osborn and Jay Osborn the driving forces behind the Rohatyn Jewish Heritage Project as updated by Jewish Heritage Europe on 11.06.2015. Marla recently joined the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland and once again she is going to introduce her outstanding expertise in that domain.

And beyond that? Visitig the Roman Vishniac Exhibition at the new Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews and we discover - of course - Andrzej Polec's famous book "Zapomniani" [Forgotten. We, Jews of the Borderland] highlighted at the museum store.

By courtesy of Andrzej Polec and thoroughly compiled by Jerome Schatten, Andrzej's gallery displaying a special selection of his photos, most of them from Czernowitz, is available at Ehpes Cemeteries, Monuments & Towns.

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