13 August 2014

Crossing First the Pruth and then the Dniester between Otaci and... (Mohyliv-Podilskyi - 2649 km)

(Mohyliv-Podilskyi, 08.08.2014 - 09.08.2014) Riding east from Czernowitz to Mohyliv-Podolski, you'll first have to cross the Pruth river to Bojan

then, on the track to the Ukrainian/Moldovan frontier, you have the opportunity to take some pre-post photos at a typical Ukrainian, in fact Romanian farmers' market,

on this side of the frontier, i. e. in Ukraine, at least one of  "Two Lenins between Mamaliga and Czernowitz" disappeared during the last year, while on the other side, i. e. in the Republic of Moldova, Lenin only lost his last "N",

leaving the missing or surviving revolutionary leaders behind, you'll pass Lipcani, the Bessarabian birthplace of Eliezer Steinbarg with its completely overgrown Jewish Cemetery, where only the tops of a few out of some hundreds maybe thousands of headstones are surfacing,

in order to reach finally the Dniester bridge between Otaci and Mohyliv-Podilskyi, in this godforsaken area in the former Transnistria Governorate.

Godforsaken area? Not completely, on Sabbath there is a well-attended service in the local synagogue of Mohyliv-Podilskyi,

but, too sad, the Holocaust survivor Srul Lichtman, whom I met and who performed a mix of Yiddish and Russian songs four years ago in my posting "Die Stadt Mohyliv-Podilskyi, das Ghetto und die Toten", is no longer with us.


Unknown said...

Bravo dear Edgar!

Dana Dimitriu said...

Otaci - Ataki - where my grandmother, Olga MIZRACH came from. Perhaps one day I will manage to get myself there! :-)